Kaedo is a young-adult half-elf with a mysterious history. He doesn't fondly speak of his past, before he moved to Sunfell. What he does mention, is that he was raised as a street urchin, in an un-known city, abandoned there by an elven parent. For a reason unmentioned, he fled from the city, and wandered, until he was taken in under Pearson's wing.
Kaedo is a short, lithe-looking boy with olive skin, with the scarce mole. He has wiry, thick, wild hair that seems scarcely cared for, and he has sharp, narrowed black eyes. He wears little gear, other than a brown leather vest over a dark brown tunic with sleeves that come to his elbows. He wears nearly black pants, that stop short above his ankles, and boots on his feet. He relies on belt bags to carry his belongings and knick-knacks. He collects the odd object here and there, as souvenirs.
He has two scars, one on his right arm from a giant spider bite, and one on his chest from being slashed by a goblin's sword.
- The One who Awakened the Giant Spider (and the one who slaid it...with help.)
- The One who Lost the Amaranthine Amulet
- The Ones who helped the merchants pass between Driejas and Sunfell
- The Ones who Stopped the Government Corruption of Driejas
XP: 972/2700
Ability Scores
STR: 15(+2)
DEX: 15(+2)
CON: 14(+2)
INT: 12(+1)
WIS: 10(+0)
CHA: 10(+0)
Armor Class: 15
Initiative: +2
Maximum Hitpoints: 26
Speed: 30
Acrobatics: +4
Animal Handling: +2
Arcana: +1
Athletics: +4
Deception: +2
History: +1
Insight: 0
Intimidation: 0
Investigation: +3
Medicine: 0
Nature: +1
Perception: +2
Performance: 0
Persuasion: 0
Religion: +1
Sleight of Hand: +2
Stealth: +4
Survival: +2
Tool Proficiencies
Playing Card Set: +2
Dice Set: +2
Thieves' Tools: +4
Traits and Feats
Darkvision: 60 ft
Damage resistances: Cold (from Stag-hide Cloak)
----------Bonus Actions----------
Cunning Action. Dash, Disengage or Hide (use once/turn).
Fast Hands. Use your Cunning Action to make Sleight of Hand checks, use thieves' tools, or take Use and Object action.
Fey Ancestry. Advantage on charmed saves and immune to sleep magic.
Second-Story Work. Climbing costs no extra movement, your running jump distance increases by 2 ft.
Sneak Attack. 2d6 extra damage on attack where you have advantage or another enemy of creature is within 5 ft. (use once/turn).
Thieves' Cant. Convey secret messages hidden in normal conversation
Money: 575 Gold Pieces, 15 Silver Pieces
on hand weapons (currently equipped is bolded): dagger (+4 to hit, 1d4+2 piercing, 2 lb), shortsword (+4 to hit, 1d6+2 piercing, 2 lb), Rapier (+4 to hit, 1d8+2 piercing, 2 lb)
encumbered capacity: 75 lbs (speed drops by 10 feet)
Over encumbered capacity: 150 lbs (speed drops by 20 feet and you have disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws that use Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution.)
Maximum carrying capacity: 225 lbs
Carrying Capacity: 35lbs/75lbs
Clothes, Common (3 lb)
Stag-Hide Cloak (resistance to cold, weight: 12 lbs)
Pouch (1 lb) (capacity: 6/6 lbs) contents:
- block of incense. Smells like honey. (weight: none)
- A cute stuffed Kobold won in a game at the Driejas Harvest Festival. It squeaks when you give him a squeeze. (weight: 2 lbs)
- 2 rations (Rations consist of dry foods suitable for extended travel, including jerky, dried fruit, hardtack, and nuts.) (weight: 4 lbs)
Pouch (1 lb) (capacity: 6/6 lbs) contents:
- Thieve's Tools (This set of tools includes a small file, a set of lock picks, a small mirror mounted on a metal handle, a set of narrow-bladed scissors, and a pair of pliers. Proficiency with these tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to disarm traps or open locks.) (weight: 1 lb)
- Healer's Kit (This kit is a leather pouch containing bandages, salves, and splints. The kit has ten uses. As an action, you can expend one use of the kit to stabilize a creature that has 0 Hit Points, without needing to make a Wisdom (Medicine) check.) (weight: 3 lbs)
- a Giant Spider's Fang (weight: 2 lbs)
- A black stone pendant in the shape of a cat (weight: None)
- A handful of owlbear feathers, pocketed in a farmer's field in Driejas. The culprit turned out to be Gam's Owlbear. (weight: none)
- A spell scroll for "Water Walk."
A doodle of a Goblin (tucked away in pocket) (Weight: None)
A bottle with a spider inside (hooked on belt) (Weight: 2 lbs)
A Potion of Mind Reading (hooked on belt)
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